sábado, 7 de agosto de 2021

Disturbing the peace Another youth deceased Shot by the police The tensions increase Anyone in your way Is nothing more than dead meat And then you wonder why There's rioting in the streets Red, blue, white, abuse of power Where's our rights? Abuse of power Ignore our plight, abuse of power Got to fight the abuse of power They think we don't belong They don't care what's right or wrong Abuse has gone on far too long Here's what I gotta say We're millions fuckin strong And we all sing the same song Their judgement day will come along Their game, we will not play


-El último día sobre la tierra-

Mario mendoza + Keco Olano

Planeta cómic. Bogotá. Agosto de 2021. 43 pp c/u


INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE 2021 -The physical science basis. Summary for policymakers. Working group I contribution to the sixth assessment report of the IPCC. 

7 august 2021. 17: 00 cest. 42 pp





"Lo cierto es que quieren acabar con nosotros"

"Algo está pasando bajo tierra"

"Están recolectando ADN humano"

"Contagio que busca reducir la población"



1 comentario:

Horgen M'Intosh dijo...

La canción Abuse of power del demo de la banda inglesa de hardcorepunk The Annihilated